Well I can hardly believe what has just happened this week. The first week of term in a new year brings renewed enthusiasm and excitment towards the schools sports teams, this term it's Rubgy. We managed a couple of training sessions and the boys from the U13's, U15's and 1st XV were looking forward to Saturday's fixture against Hymers College (from Hull) To cut what could be a long story short I had a call from the Hymers coach cancelling all 3 matches because of water logged pitches!!! Usually on the first weekend of September we are worried that the pitches will be too hard, its usually warm, and sunny and as sports teachers the conversation turns to the possibility of extending the cricket season for 4 weeks and making the most of the fine September weather!! Absolutely NO chance this year....... in the end we managed to find a section of grass between the standing water that had also formed on our pitches and had a training session, good but it's not the same when you are fired up for a match. The first weekend and disruption already to the routine.
This week has been about starting to establish my weekly training routine. Having much more time and training opportunities during the last 8 weeks of holiday and post IM Switzerland mean't I haven't had much of a routine. With 3 year old and 1 year old girl's company to enjoy, to bath and get to bed, and a
musical wife who teaches saxophone, flute and clarinet 4 nights a week the usual post work, evening training opportunities are limited, training is therefore done around and during my working day.
The dictonary say's of 'routine';
'a customary or regular course of procedure' and also;
'regular, unvarying, habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure'
Training will yeild results if it is regular. Those of us who train and enjoy sport will no doubt have a close connection with the word habitual. Sport, training ,competition and raised heart rate levels are a life habit that makes me who I am.
So my weekly routine; My mode of transport is my bike, my journey to work is 10 miles, so that gives me a nice 20 miles in my legs 6 days a week if I choose it (Saturday sports fixtures accounts for my 6 day week). On a Thursday I get a 1/2 day so this will be an important bike session, my long weekly ride. This week I did 90 minutes with a couple of hard efforts in preparation for some end of season time trials. This year I want to add a run to work into my routine. I have managed consecutive days cycle in, run home, and run in, cycle home before, but this year I am looking to do a double run day with 2 x 8 mile run's, I failed to initiate this session this week but aim to give it a go this week.
At the end of the school day 3.40pm we have a 20 minute break before starting activities at 4pm (rugby training, hockey training, chess club etc, etc) Tea, Coffee and CAKES. Now throughout the summer I have not had a break at 3.40pm for scones, chocolate cake, flap jack or cheese cake so I have decided that I don't really need it. This is a routine I will be eliminating from my week in my quest to reduce my simple sugar intake. I have been successful this week, No cakes have been consumed at 3.40pm!!
Weights sessions are a regular part of my week whether they occur in my garage gym (membership available, please enquire) or at school where we have a comprehensive array of free weights. I enjoy weight training and generally lean towards upper body exercises, however given that the cylcling and running are leg powered I MUST establish a weights routine that includes leg exercises. I managed 1 introductory session this week including squats and leg curls. My 'A' Level group include 2 lad's who are both into weight training. One of them is also on the GB Judo Squad so he knows how to train and takes his sport very seriously, therefore once a week during the day I will train with them in the school gym.
In the past I have found establishing a running routine quite difficult, however this year WILL be different. In addition to my double run day, every 3 weeks I intend to replace my Thursday weekly long bike ride with a long run, building up to 3hrs. The word '
unimaginative' can be found in the definition for routine, however unimaginative routines can lead to boredom. Whether it relates to relationships, time with your children, diet or training, a lack of imagination is usually not much fun. Whilst my run routes are quite imaginative, the pace I run at is very unimaginative, stick it in 4th gear and cruise along at between 7.30 and 8.30min/mile pace. I have fallen into the Ironman training trap of making every run slow and steady whatever the training distance. So this year I'm going to spice it up. This week I intend to test out my 1 mile reps route, I have an off road hills session in my mind, some head torch night time running and the imminent purchase of a
Garmin Forerunner 405 will get me really excited about running.
Sarah settled into her Saturday early evening routine of watching X Factor, given that I would rather chop my hands off than watch X Factor I have decided that this is the perfect opportunity for a weekly run or weights session. I did a 60 minute run in the rain, running across the disused airfield through ankle high puddles, loved it!
Sunday is going to be my rest day, and will allow me to esablish a routine spending time with my girl's, time which will be imaginative and fun, will it be restful? I guess not but I won't be going near a bike or putting on a pair of trainers, so my legs might find it so.
RAIN, does it have to disrupt your routine? I guess that depends on the activity you have planned, but more importantly it depends on your mind set. I am usually pretty good on the wet day's, I enjoy running in the rain, and whilst I don't relish riding in the rain 'you only get wet once'. If your activity halts every time the heavens open, or your mind becomes negative then maintaining a training routine (or living an exciting outdoor life) will be somewhat difficult living in England. One thing to remember is, skin is pretty water proof!!! However I think a
Wiggle order for mudguards and some new wet weather, winter tyres is necessary.
Dodging the rain yesterday my good friend's Tom Williams and Helen 'soon to be Williams' Turton (not long now Helen) nailed the opposition at the National Long Distance Triathlon
Championships. Racing to a strong PB Tom finished 5th in his age group, and it all came together for Helen, who is now the National Champion in her age group!!! Well done guys what a way to finish the season, thoroughly deserved.
With my weekly routine starting to become established, come sun or rain I will catch you next week.